Photo of the Fonz

Sonnyboy's Music Store

If you've already signed up you are cooler than Fonzerelli

Hi Dude, are you a blues dude?

Have you been on my Blues Harp Workshop? It's VERY cool. 

Cooler, in fact, than The Fonz - on a day when he's feeling particularly coolerelli.

And if that's not cool I don't know what is.

There are a few places left.

Starts Thursday.

It's on zoom.

It's £9

V. Cool.

Blues Course

Speak soon

Ben “not as cool as the Fonz - but who is?” Hewlett

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HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)

HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)
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