It's here! HarmonicaUK is pleased to announce the lineup and the launch of ticket sales for our October Festival 2024.

Promo Video

Our featured artist this year will be: Filip Jers, Will Wilde, Katie Bradley and Sean Spicer.
Alongside our featured artists we also have workshop leaders Ricky cool, John Cook and Adam Glasser who will be teaching the ensemble workshops.

Full biographies of these amazing harmonica talents can be found on the 2024 festival page where you can also find details on how to book.

HarmonicaUK 2024 Festival

This event usually sells out very quickly, so don't delay book today!

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Have you got a harmonica story? Upcoming gigs? Single or album release? 
Newsdesk can help spread the word for you with our members 
Please contact us at [email protected]   
Harmonica UK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)

HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)
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