Hello and welcome to the HarmonicaUK Autumn newsletter
HarmonicaUK 2024 Festival
It is less than a month to our annual festival at Hillscourt in Birmingham (25th to 27th October) and tickets are now all sold out. We are really looking forward to what promises to be a fantastic weekend of listening, playing and sharing music. Artists Will Wilde, Filip Jers, Sean Spicer, and Katie Bradley, and workshop leaders Ricky Cool, John Cook and Adam Glasser will be covering jazz, blues, traditional folk, harmonica maintenance and more, so wherever your interests lie, there will be something for you.
Saturday Sessions
Open Mic – Join us Saturday 5th October for our virtual open mic session. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or are just setting off on your harmonica journey, you will be welcome to play, share and listen in a supportive and friendly environment.
Saturday Session – Traditional Music with Mat Walklate: In this workshop Mat will be focusing on traditional Irish music. The workshop is suitable for diatonic, chromatic and tremolo, so there will be something for everyone. Mat is a fantastic musician with a wealth of experience both playing and teaching traditional music. Not to be missed!
Changes to the Committee – Farewells and Hellos
There are some changes to the committee that we will be asking you to vote on in our AGM. First of all, after several years of dedication and hard work, our current Chair and Vice Chair, Dave and Suzy Colclough, will be stepping down from the committee at this year’s AGM. Both Dave and Suzy’s contribution to HarmonicaUK over the years has been incalculable. Between them they have covered a diversity of roles including Magazine Editor, Communications Manager, Events Manager and much much more! A huge thank you goes to Dave and Suzy, your work has been hugely appreciated and we wish you all the best for the future.
Earlier in the year, Richard Taylor, another long standing HarmonicaUK trustee, stepped down from the committee. Thank you, Richard, for the valuable contribution you have made to HarmonicaUK.
Over the past year, Lee van Crumpton has been co-opted onto the committee as Membership Secretary. We would ask you to vote for Lee to be elected to the committee so he can continue in this role. Welcome aboard Lee!
Proposed Change to Constitution
The current HarmonicaUK constitution states that there should be a minimum of 6 committee members. As there are only four people up for election this year, we have made a suggested change to our constitution so that we are not in breach of it. The draft constitution is available with the AGM papers on the AGM website. We would ask for your support voting to make this change to the constitution.
Notice of Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of HarmonicaUK (formerly National Harmonica League) will be held at 7pm on Friday 25th October 2024 at Hillscourt, Rose Hill, Rednal, Birmingham B45 8RS.
Minutes of the previous AGM and matters arising
Reports and accounts
Proposed amendment(s) to the constitution
(Re)election of committee members: Darren Lampon, Simon Joy, Gene Myers, Lee van Crumpton.
Member proposed resolutions
Any other business
If you are unable to attend the meeting, please appoint the Chair as your proxy by emailing [email protected] before 11th October 2024 or completing the proxy voting form in the link below.
Papers for the AGM can be found at harmonica.uk/pages/agm-documents and include previous minutes, reports and accounts, draft amendments to the constitution, and brief profiles of existing and proposed committee members. In addition, there is a proxy voting form and a committee member nomination form.
There are several committee vacancies so please consider whether you would like to stand yourself or nominate someone to carry out this valuable work. The main committee meets online about 6 times per annum and you will also be part of a subcommittee. A minimum commitment of 2 hours per week is expected. We are also seeking ‘helpers’ so please express an interest if you have expertise in events management, digital technology, graphic design, education, youth work, outreach or administration.
Contact [email protected] for an informal discussion.
Simon Joy

Newsdesk brings you a selection of items from the HarmonicaUK Newsdesk this month. Click "Read more..." to read the full news item.
Bring & buy table at the Festival!
At the HarmonicaUK festival on 25th-27th October, John Cook will be manning a table where you can bring some of your pre-loved Harmonica gear to sell. Read more...
Whiskey River Duo in Bristol!
Martin Blake and Aidan Sheehan are playing in Bristol this December. Read more...
Adam Glasser - Intensive Harmonica Course
Adam Glasser is planning a new intensive 3 week harmonica course for SOLO tuned harmonicas. Read more...
Roadhouse Blues Harmonica Player Interview
John Sebastian is interviewed by Liam Ward.
Free Lesson - Save time!
How you can save time when learning the harmonica, with Liam Ward. Read more...
Country Blues Playlist
Ed Hopwood has complied a country blues playlist.
Harmonica player's 20-minute concert at the North Pole
Mike Stevens has just performed "the most northerly concert in history". Read more...
Read about these items and more on our Newsdesk page...

Events this month - Read more and Zoom links on our Events page…
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 4th October 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
Harmonica UK - Open Mic - Saturday 5th October 2024 5pm UK time
All levels, all styles, and a friendly atmosphere. You can also come and just listen in too. Details and link here.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 11th October 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
Saturday Session with Mat Waltlake - 12th October 2024 5pm UK time
Join us for this one hour session for members only on traditional music on the harmonica.
Details and link here.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 18th October 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
HarmonicaUK FESTIVAL - 25th - 27th October Hillscourt Hotel, Birmingham.
Read more on our Festival 2024 page.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 1st November 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
Harmonica UK - Open Mic - Saturday 2nd November 2024 5pm UK time
All levels, all styles, and a friendly atmosphere. You can also come and just listen in too.

Have you got a harmonica story? Upcoming gigs? Single or album release?
Newsdesk can help spread the word for you with our members
Please contact us at [email protected]
HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)