14th October 5pm UK time - Adam Glasser - Chromatic

Adam Glasser presents and informal chromatic harmonica Q&A based on responses to two key questions which you are encouraged to email him about beforehand at: [email protected]

A: What is the most long standing challenge you have experienced when learning the chromatic harmonica?

B: Describe a moment of greatest satisfaction when you felt you made a breakthrough through playing the harmonica in any situation, alone, gig, workshop, or with a friend

Adam will answer the questions himself during the course of the session and also explore common themes.

This is a members only workshop, not a member? No problem, you can join for as little as £20.

A program of all the Saturday sessions, recordings of previous workshops can be found in our members' area.

Zoom code for this session will appear in the members area a couple of days before the event.

HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)
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