Hello and welcome to the HarmonicaUK February 2025 Newsletter
We’re celebrating the 90th anniversary of HarmonicaUK
We are very excited to be celebrating our 90th anniversary throughout 2025. We have exciting things planned throughout the year, culminating in our annual October Festival event. It won’t be long before we can announce our exciting all-star lineup and dates to mark this very special year. Click here to learn more about the history of HarmonicaUK.
New Year additions to the team
To kick off the year, we’ve onboarded a few volunteers in critical roles to support the committee, and we want to share this news with you.
- Darren Lampon - Darren is already on the committee as Treasurer but has kindly offered to extend this to include more responsibilities as Vice Chair
- Lisa Presland - Lisa will be our Communications Manager, managing our newsletter, and all other external communications
- Aidan Sheehan - Aidan will be at the helm of our Outreach Programme, as he has excellent experience working with schools, veterans, and others in need
- Gary Croad – Many of you will remember Gary helping with the production at our last festival. This year Gary will also be helping in planning this year’s festival as an Event Assistant
Please join us in welcoming them to the team. We still have room for other volunteers, especially in the area of contributing to the magazine, events, marketing and website, and member engagement. Every little helps, and we promise you it will be extremely rewarding and take only a little of your time. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.
You can learn more about them and others behind the scenes at HarmonicaUK, click here.
A big thank you and request to complete our newest Members Questionnaire
Thanks to all who completed our December questionnaire about ways to improve member and volunteer engagement and keep Harmonica UK fun and informative. We received some great feedback and will share the changes we are implementing for you over the next few months.
2025 - Make a new year plan to attend our regular online sessions
Don’t forget all the key sessions that are open to you, our members, in 2025. Why not build these dates into your harmonica learning plan for 2025:
- Friday Coffee Morning: every Friday at 11am.
- Open Mic: first Saturday of each month at 5pm
- Saturday Session member’s workshop: a bi-monthly event on Saturdays.
The next one is this month, Saturday 8 February at 5 pm GMT, featuring Kellie Rucker, a Florida-based blues diatonic player whose professional career has spanned more than 35 years, and is a Lee Oscar featured artist who also tours Germany and Italy extensively. Click here to learn more about Kellie.
All the best,
Gene Myers, Chair

Newsdesk brings you a selection of items from the HarmonicaUK Newsdesk this month. Click "Read more..." to read the full news item.
Will Wilde new single, gig dates and album release news.
Will Wilde's new single "Trouble Of That Girl" is out, and features one of his most ripping harp solos to date. Plus gig dates in the UK and Europe throughout the year. Read more...
Music Venue Trust Launch 2024 Annual Report
Music Venue Trust has launched its 2024 Annual Report, which once again raises concerns about the ongoing challenges facing the sector. Read more...
How To Play Better Blues Harmonica
Ed Hopwood, of Harmonica Barge fame, reveals the "secret sauce" of blues harmonica. Read more...
Bob Dylan's Harmonicas
To celebrate the release of the new Bob Dylan biopic 'A Complete Unknown' Liam Ward offers a rundown of Bob Dylan's harmonica hits. Read more...
In Memoriam - Gerry Ezard
Gerry Ezard died at his home in Wales on 26 Dec 2024. Gerry was a great friend and supporter of the HarmonicaUK, dating back when it was the National Harmonica League, as an organiser, educator, and performer. Read more...

Events this month - Read more and Zoom links on our Events page…
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 31st January 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
Harmonica UK - Open Mic - Saturday 1st February 2024 5pm UK time
All levels, all styles, and a friendly atmosphere. You can also come and just listen in too. Details and link here.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 7th February 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
HarmonicaUK Saturday Session featuring Kellie Rucker - Saturday 8th February 5pm UK Time. Join us for our first Saturday session with Kellie Rucker, a blues diatonic player from the USA, and a Lee Oskar featured artist. The Zoom code for this session will appear in the member's area a couple of days before the event.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 14th February 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 21st February 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.
HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 28th February 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.

Have you got a harmonica story? Upcoming gigs? Single or album release?
Newsdesk can help spread the word for you with our members
Please contact us at [email protected]
HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)